
American Legion Post 853


American Legion Post 853 • Desert Breeze



It’s an honor to return as your Post Commander for the 2024/2025 Legion Year. The past season brought several changes to the Post that this year’s team of elected officers, managers, returning volunteers, and I will work to build upon.

This team of volunteers contributes their time and talents to carry on the legacy of Post 853 and the mission of The American Legion family. The efforts of this team embodies “Service Before Self”. We welcome you to join us in this effort.

Our team of officers and volunteer managers for 2024/2025 are:


Commander / Membership:  Dale Jones
1st Vice Commander:  Lee Quarcelino
2nd Vice Commander:  Dennis O’Leary

Adjutant:  Jim Keith
Finance Officer:  Heide White
Judge Advocate:  Gary Saunders (House Committee Chair)

Sergeant-At-Arms:  Vacant 

Service Officer:  Mike McEvoy

Chaplain:  Richard Wheelock 


Members: Ed Cate, Rik Brown, Dave McCleerey, Bob Scribner


Executive Board Plus Commander, Vice Commanders, Judge Advocate, Adjutant, Finance Officer, Sergeant-At-Arms

E-Board meeting
3rd Thursday each month, 4:30pm

General Meetings:
3rd Thursday each month, 5:00pm



President - ChrisAnn Wells

1st Vice Commander – Sue Patterson

Treasurer - Heide White

Secretary – Gina Moran 

Chaplain – Jan Jones

General Meetings:
2nd Monday each month, 5:00 pm 



Commander - Chris Pederson 

1st Vice Commander – Ed Stiglic
Adjutant / Finance / Membership– Mark Dedes
Sgt. Of Arms – Tom Collins

Chaplain - Dale Jones 

General Meetings
2nd Monday each month, 6:00 pm



Bar & Campground - James Keith
Bar: See monthly calendar for hours
Campground: Reservations now online

Bargain Barn Thrift Store - Mitzi Seibert
Fri & Sat, Sep thru Apr

Bingo - Gina Moran
Every Tue 5:00 pm, Oct thru Apr

I’d like to recognize Mike McEvoy, our new Service Officer. He is retired Navy with years of experience helping veterans in transition or in need. Mike is pursuing Legion and San Diego County training to provide him with the information and resources to fulfill this role. In the meantime, he will act as an advocate for those veterans who need services and assistance. Look for future updates in the Desert Breeze from Mike.

Note that Jim Keith is also our Adjutant this year. He’ll add the responsibilities of this position to his duties as Bar and RV manager. He’s worked through the summer to bring improvements to the Bar and RV operations. Be patient and help Jim as these innovations are rolled out. Read more in his update.

I welcome Dennis O’Leary to the team. You may know him from his roles as restaurant manager at several establishments in Borrego. He’s stepping up to do the work that Rick and Mindy did so well these past years and to officially fill the role of 2nd Vice Commander. He has ideas that, in collaboration with ChrisAnn (ALA); Chris (SAL); and the House Committee, will hopefully bring more delicious meals and fun events to the Post.

I look forward to working with Mitzi Seibert who will coordinate the efforts of the Bargain Barn volunteers this year. I know Mitzi and Ray worked hard before leaving this summer to clean and begin reorganizing the Bargain Barn. She has creative ideas and operational improvements to implement this year as she builds upon the work of Susan & Tim Kight. As always, the Barn needs volunteers. Let Mitzi know if you can spare a few hours.

The Sergeant-at-Arms position is still vacant. This is an important role at the Post overseeing the rifle team, honor guard, and the ceremonies provided throughout Borrego. I ask our veteran members to consider this position to keep presence alive within our community.

Overall, the Post weathered the summer heat fairly well. The new landscaping is establishing mostly because Chris and ChrisAnn ensured the plants had water. Casey McQuire and Jim Keith also spent time caring for the new trees. You’ll find the tables and chairs a bit different. The failing wicker chairs are gone. The hodgepodge of chairs has been reduced. Several of the remaining chairs were repaired by the talented Jimmy Zuehl. We have new coolers and new beverage inventory. These changes and others can be easily overlooked but a team worked hard this summer to make it happen.

The needs of veterans and our members were many this summer. Working closely with the Borrego Ministers Association (BMA), members of Post 853 volunteered to help when needed and donations were made when veterans and our members faced financial hardships. The partnership with BMA continues to grow as Post 853 strengthens its presence in our community.

In broader news, District 22 has a new Commander, Vic Martin. He sent out a State of the District letter in August. I want to emphasize something he wrote:

“In our mission to serve, it is equally important to remember the value of kindness and collaboration. Building each other up, rather than tearing each other down, strengthens our community and reflects the true spirit of The American Legion. By working together, we create a more powerful, unified front that can better serve our veterans and our country. Kindness is not just an ideal; it is a practice that fosters resilience and solidarity among us all.”

Please take these words to heart as we launch our 2024/2025 season. There’s much to do and together we can get the work done.


For God and Country,

Dale Jones
Commander, Post 853
The American Legion, Department of California


Hello Auxiliary Ladies and Legion Family,

It’s September… we made it through the brutal summer! Welcome home to those who have returned. Hope to see you soon to those who haven’t made it back yet.  I would like to thank the volunteers ( you know who you are) who worked on the old and new dining room transformation. We have ordered more vinyl tablecloths for a more cohesive look. 

The outside dining area is still a work in progress. Stay tuned for that transformation. I would like to thank the water weasels who took the time to water the landscape. It looks pitiful right now from the heat and humidity. Chris will be installing irrigation soon. He will also be repairing the old irrigation. 

Our first ALA meeting will be Monday, September 10, Eboard meeting at 4:30 General meeting at 5:00. Potluck to follow bring a dish to share. This will be a short meeting with only plans for the coming year to be discussed. Hope to see you there ladies. Please condider donating time to the ALA and Bargin Barn, even just an hour makes a difference. 

Stay healthy and happy all. Stop at the Post for lovely company and a cold libation. 


In support of our Veterans and Community pastedGraphic.png


ChrisAnn Wells
ALA Unit 853 President


Bar Operations Update for September
As September rolls in, we want to remind everyone that this month marks our final month operating only three days a week. Here are our hours for September:

      Friday and Saturday: 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM

      Sunday: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

New POS System
We're excited to introduce our new Point of Sale (POS) system at the bar! Once I, along with the 2nd Vice and the bartenders, complete our training, we'll be going live with this upgrade. This change will allow us to accept card payments, enhancing your experience!

Staffing Update
Due to Rick and Mindy's decision to spend the winter in South Dakota, I will be down one bartender. If you're interested in volunteering behind the bar, please reach out to me. Your support is always appreciated!

A Note on Tipping

Lastly, I'd like to remind everyone that our bartenders are volunteers. Please remember to tip generously as a token of appreciation for their hard work and commitment to making your experience enjoyable.

Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to a great September! Cheers!

RV Operations

If you are encountering difficulties booking your RV sites online, please reach out to me directly at the Camp Host phone number: 442-340-8869. Please note that our sites are filling up quickly, and some dates may no longer be available due to other reservations.

Additionally, I am currently looking for a Camp Host to join our team, as Rick, who served in this role last season, will not be returning. If you are interested in this opportunity, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your understanding and support!

Best regards,

Jim Keith
Bar/RV Manager

American Legion Post 853
4515 Borrego Springs Rd.
Borrego Springs, CA 92004

(972) 330-9076 


The House Committee Meeting the 2nd Sunday of every month at 10am.

Editor in Chief, House Committee

BINGO $10.00!

Every Tuesday

Sales 5:00 PM

Games Start 5:30 PM
